Axie Diana ’60 Receives Distinguished Alumna Award

Alix “Axie” Clark Diana ’60, 这位富有同情心的女性致力于帮助他人,有时甚至为了这样做而克服障碍,她于10月9日星期六获得了2017年太阳城电子app杰出校友奖. 28) during a luncheon at the School’s Athletic/Student Center.
杰出校友奖由校友会颁发,以表彰体现了学校核心价值观:尊重的校友, Integrity, Kindness, and Service; and who has honed a passion that she discovered while at Foxcroft and is sharing with the world.
福克斯克罗夫特校董会主席阿曼达·哈特曼·希利, Class of 1998, presented the award to Diana, a 1960 graduate. “Axie has spent her life in the service of others, 不断证明自己是她所合作的组织或社区的变革推动者,” Healy told those gathered, which included current and past Heads of Foxcroft, trustees, and alumnae, “我认为,成功推动变革的能力应该得到最高的重视.”
此外,他还在Foxcroft担任了多年的职务,从班级代表到董事会主席, 戴安娜一直是一个多产和慷慨的志愿者在各种场合. When she ran into barriers, she broke them. In the 1960s, 她说服了她所在的新泽西一个小型滑冰俱乐部的董事会,认为女性应该在董事会中占有一席之地,并成为首批当选的两名女性之一.  

Several years later, Diana sued, through the ACLU, 在被告知她不是消防员而不能成为一名志愿急救人员后,她加入了当地的急救小组. “Read: ‘a woman,’ ” Diana said. “我因此收到了很多恶毒的信件和威胁,但最终,他们接受了女性.

“我真的无法描述是什么让我具备了领导和服务的能力,” said Diana, “but I do know that Foxcroft had a lot to do with it. Service is an expectation here. Girls are taught to be leaders here . . . 即使是在我在福克斯克罗夫特的黑暗时代——50年代——我也不知怎么地接受了这样一种观念:女性有权力,可以在世界上走自己的路.”

Make her way she did. Diana became a mobile intensive care paramedic, 心脏和创伤生命支持和12导联心电图设备的讲师, 也是莫里斯敦(新泽西州)医疗中心中风患者转运小组的成员. 她也是医院急诊室的首批志愿者之一,也是母亲和儿童福利委员会的成员.

While raising four children, 戴安娜还曾在远山国家走读学校(FHCDS)担任发展主任。, running a one-woman 负责处理校友关系、年度基金、杂志制作和活动等一切事务的办公室. 当志愿者时,她也是孩子们班级的班主任,后来在 FHCDS Board of Trustees including several years as chair.

戴安娜对福克斯克罗夫特的一贯和慷慨的服务在2009年得到了学校董事会的认可, 她被授予安妮·凯恩·麦奎尔杰出服务奖, its highest honor. Diana was chair of Foxcroft’s Board from 2004–09, and also served the group as co-chair of the Annual Fund, the Development Committee, and the Committee on Trustees. 她是百周年庆典委员会的三位联合主席之一, 带领数十名志愿者和工作人员完成了一项艰巨的任务,其中包括组织一个全球服务日,以启动为期七个月的庆祝活动, 制作纪念册和其他纪念和通讯, engaging a broad variety of alumnae in the event, and presenting a sensational gala weekend for more than 1,000 people in April 2014. 戴安娜还曾在校友理事会和资本运动指导委员会任职, and continues as the class representative for 1960.

自从几年前搬到波士顿后,戴安娜就没有放慢脚步. Through her involvement with Trinity Church in Boston, 她在波士顿公立学校担任扫盲教练,并共同主持了一项社区范围内的努力,为这些苦苦挣扎的学校购买书籍. 在缅因州,她度过了她的夏天,戴安娜是圣. Mary’s/St. Jude’s Church (Northeast Harbor), 在管理委员会和资本运动指导委员会任职. 她也是Mount Desert Island Hospital和the Neighborhood House的董事会成员, a local community center.

Founded in 1914, 太阳城电子app是一所大学预科寄宿和走读学校,招收9-12年级的女孩,其使命是帮助每个女孩探索她独特的声音和发展技能, confidence, and courage to share it with the world. The School offers 76 courses, including 16 Advanced Placement classes, 这是一个激励女孩在传统上女性代表性不足的学科工作的STEM项目, 以及一个帮助学生磨练他们在体育方面的特殊才能的特殊能力项目, 艺术和其他领域的训练和比赛远离校园. Foxcroft fields athletic teams in nine sports, 其中包括两届州长曲棍球队冠军,并拥有全国知名的骑马项目. 2017-18学年的学生由来自14个国家的157名女生组成, 18 states, and the District of Columbia. About one-third of the students receive financial assistance; 24 percent are international students, and 20 percent are students of color. 
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, 包括大学先修课程和创新的STEM项目. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.